
Find businesses without websites.

Thousands of small businesses don't have a website yet. We specialize in lead-finding tools specifically for web developers and agencies, so you can connect with the clients who need your services the most.

Try it right now.

No software to download. It's free, and there's no credit card required.

Step 1. Drag the map to desired area

Drag the map to center the rectangle over an area to scan.

Step 2. Enter query

Step 3. Select filters

Step 4. Click!

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Frequently Asked Questions

We use data sources such as Google Maps to find business listings according to your search parameters. Results are filtered and scored with our algorithm, so that you can clearly see where you should focus your marketing efforts.

Results from this preview app include:
  • Business Name
  • Operational Status
  • Full Street Address
  • Google Places URL
  • Grape Lead Score
  • Average Review Score
  • Total Reviews Count
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

Credits are used to initiate searches and to retrieve and score individual results. It costs one credit to initiate a search, and one credit for each filtered lead in your results.

You'll be prompted to enter your email address. Once your email address is confirmed, trial credits are issued and the search job will be queued. In a few minutes, the results will be emailed to you.

Electrik Design Lab is a small family-owned web design and software studio located on the west coast of Canada. We're friendly and 100% committed to great customer service.

We're working on two upcoming products:
1) A full featured web app that will save and organize your search history.
2) A 'daily digest' website monitoring service with screenshots to help you keep track of sites you maintain.

Make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter to get the latest news!

We include businesses that use a Facebook page as a website in their Google Business profile. It's also possible that the business owner has neglected to include their website in their profile. In this case, the business still needs help with their online presence. We're working on additional features that will help separate these different needs, so that you can target either web design or SEO services.

Grape Leads is the only lead finding service focused on delivering small business leads to digital agencies. After trying other tools, we were disappointed by software that required significant time to use and still only delivered the top ranked results. Grape Leads can deliver thousands of high quality, actionable leads on demand; businesses that need your web design services.

Stop waiting.
Find new clients now.

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